Rezum Water Vapour Therapy: An Innovative Solution for Enlarged Prostate Treatment

Rezum Water Vapour Therapy: An Innovative Solution for Enlarged Prostate Treatment

Rezum, a revolutionary non-invasive therapy, offers a highly effective solution for treating enlarged prostate without surgery or long-term medication. This advanced procedure uses water vapour therapy, where a small instrument is inserted through the urethra, delivering controlled bursts of steam into the prostate. The steam causes excess prostate tissue to shrink, gradually relieving urethral blockage and restoring natural urination. Results can be observed within two weeks, with full improvements typically seen in three months.

Understanding Enlarged Prostate

The prostate, part of the male reproductive system, surrounds the urethra and produces some of the fluid in semen. As men age, particularly after 50, the prostate can enlarge, leading to issues such as difficulty urinating, frequent night-time urination, or even urinary retention.

Common Symptoms of Enlarged Prostate:

  • Weak urine flow, requiring straining
  • Difficulty starting urination
  • Inability to urinate
  • Frequent night-time urination
  • Urinary incontinence or leakage

How Rezum Works

Rezum works by injecting steam directly into the prostate, causing the tissue to shrink as the body naturally clears the damaged cells. As the prostate reduces in size, the urethra opens, making urination easier. This non-surgical procedure is completed in just 10–15 minutes without the need for general anaesthesia. The fast recovery process ensures minimal discomfort.

Ideal Candidates for Rezum

  • Patients experiencing sexual side effects from prostate medications
  • Those seeking an alternative to invasive surgery
  • Individuals looking for long-term relief from prostate symptoms

Pre-Procedure Evaluation

Before Rezum therapy, patients undergo a thorough evaluation that includes a prostate ultrasound, a PSA test for cancer screening, and a urine test for infections. Patients taking blood-thinning medications may need to stop these temporarily, based on medical advice.

Key Benefits of Rezum Therapy:

  • Fast, non-surgical procedure (10–15 minutes)
  • Minimally invasive with a quick recovery
  • No general anaesthesia required
  • Long-lasting results, with no need for repeat treatments
  • Immediate discontinuation of prostate medications post-recovery
  • No negative impact on sexual health, including erections or sexual function

Rezum Water Vapour Therapy offers a promising new way for patients to address an enlarged prostate while avoiding the risks and recovery time associated with surgery.

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